25 Items You Must Declutter From Your Living Room

Saad Iqbal | 🗓️Modified: July 29, 2024 | ⏳Time to read:7 min

Is your living room overflowing with clutter? Does it feel more like a storage unit than a sanctuary for relaxation? You’re not alone. Living rooms, by their very nature, tend to be magnets for miscellaneous items. But fear not! With a little decluttering savvy, you can transform your living room into a haven of peace and tranquility.

Why Declutter Your Living Room?

Beyond the obvious aesthetic benefits, a clutter-free living room offers a wealth of advantages:

  • Increased Value: A tidy space can significantly boost your home’s value if you’re considering selling.
  • Improved Mood: Clutter can negatively impact mood and energy levels. A clean space fosters relaxation and positivity.
  • Enhanced Air Quality: Dust and allergens can get trapped in clutter, leading to respiratory problems.
  • Reduced Stress: A cluttered environment can be overwhelming and stressful. Decluttering creates a sense of calm and control.

Simple Decluttering Strategies:

  • Minimize Walking Space Obstructions: Avoid having too many objects in high-traffic areas, ensuring a clear flow of movement.
  • Maximize Storage Options: Ensure ample storage solutions like cabinets, shelves, or baskets to keep belongings out of sight.
  • Furniture Placement Matters: Furniture arrangement significantly impacts the feel of the room. Experiment to create a comfortable and spacious layout.

Declutter in Under 20 Minutes:

  • Set a timer for 20 minutes and grab a large basket.
  • As the clock ticks, scour the room for clutter items listed below.
  • Be ruthless! Anything out of place, unused, or easily replaceable goes in the basket.
  • Embrace the “one-year rule”: If you haven’t used or worn something in a year, consider letting it go.

25 Culprits to Banish from Your Living Room:

  1. Excess Throw Pillows: While throw pillows add a touch of personality, too many can overwhelm the space. Stick to an odd number (three for smaller sofas, five for larger ones) and replace worn-out or lumpy ones.
  2. Unused Exercise Equipment: That stationary bike promising regular workouts may have become a glorified coat rack. If you rarely use it, consider alternative exercise options or donate it for a good cause.
  1. Outdated Electronics: Trade bulky, outdated electronics like DVD players or VCRs for sleeker, more efficient options. Dispose of non-functional electronics responsibly.
  2. Oversized Furniture: Does navigating your living room involve obstacle courses? Consider replacing oversized furniture with smaller pieces that offer better maneuverability and a more open feel. Recycle or donate unwanted furniture.
  3. Paperwork Piles: Don’t let your living room become a dumping ground for bills, receipts, or magazines. Create a filing system with a shredder and recycling bin to keep paper clutter at bay.
  4. Laundry Room Escapees: Clothes baskets and laundry items have a knack for migrating to the living room. Designate a dedicated laundry space with efficient storage solutions to prevent this.
  5. Unwatched DVDs, CDs, or Vinyl: Embrace digital alternatives! If you haven’t enjoyed a DVD, CD, or record in over three years, consider selling, donating, or converting them to digital formats.
  6. Office Supply Invasion: Staplers, printers, and notebooks don’t belong in your living room (unless in use). Designate a workspace or concealed storage for them.
  7. Toy Takeover: Living rooms and toys often go hand-in-hand. However, scattered toys can create chaos. Implement a designated storage area for children’s toys or have them participate in nightly toy pick-up routines.
  8. Random Trinkets and Décor: While sentimental items are cherished, too much clutter can overwhelm the space. Follow the “one-year rule” for decorative items and consider donating or selling excess pieces.

Bonus Decluttering Targets:

  • Misplaced drinking glasses and mugs.
  • Broken or unused toys.
  • Blankets and throw pillows from other rooms.
  • Unnecessary magazines and books.
  • Old receipts and food wrappers.
  • Miscellaneous trash items.
  • Instruction manuals you no longer need.
  • Video games and accessories not in use.
  • Board games collecting dust.
  • Tangled cords and chargers.
  • Shoes, handbags, and accessories misplaced.
  • Bathroom supplies not belonging in the living room.
  • Unfinished projects and hobbies.
  • Art supplies that haven’t seen the light of day.

Decluttering Checkpoints:

  • Coffee Table
  • Console and Sofa Tables
  • Side Tables
  • Cubbies and Drawers
  • Under and Around the Sofa
  • Bookcases
  • Shelves & Windows
  • Entertainment Center
  • The Floor

The Final Touches: A Clutter-Free Oasis

With the bulk of the clutter banished, it’s time to refine your living room into a serene and inviting space.

Focus on Key Decluttering Zones:

  • Coffee Table: This often becomes a catch-all for remote controls, magazines, and random objects. Limit items to essentials like coasters, a coffee table book, and perhaps a decorative bowl for keys or loose change.
  • Consoles and Sofa Tables: These surfaces can quickly become cluttered with knick-knacks and paperwork. Keep it minimal with a few carefully chosen decorative items, such as a lamp, a small vase, or a photo frame.
  • Side Tables: Resist the urge to pile books, magazines, or coasters on these tables. Opt for one or two decorative items and a lamp for a clean and elegant look.
  • Cubbies and Drawers: These often hide a multitude of clutter. Sort through the contents and discard anything unnecessary. Use drawer organizers or dividers to keep items tidy and easily accessible.
  • Under and Around the Sofa: This area can accumulate dust bunnies and lost items. Vacuum regularly and store items like blankets or throws in a designated storage basket.
  • Bookcases: While bookshelves are essential for book lovers, they can easily become cluttered. Group books by genre or color for a visually appealing display. Use decorative boxes or baskets to store smaller items.
  • Shelves and Windows: Keep these surfaces clean and uncluttered. A few carefully chosen decorative items can enhance the room’s aesthetic without overwhelming the space.
  • Entertainment Center: This area often houses a tangle of cords and remote controls. Invest in cord management solutions and keep only essential items on display.

The Art of Letting Go:

As you declutter, remember the importance of letting go. If an item doesn’t bring you joy or serve a practical purpose, consider donating, selling, or recycling it. By creating a minimalist and organized living room, you’ll enjoy a space that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Maintaining Your Clutter-Free Haven:

Once you’ve achieved a decluttered living room, it’s essential to maintain it. Implement a few habits to prevent clutter buildup:

  • Regular Decluttering Sessions: Schedule short decluttering sessions weekly or bi-weekly to stay on top of things.
  • One In, One Out Rule: For every new item brought into the room, consider removing something else.
  • Designated Storage: Ensure every item has a designated place to prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Family Involvement: Encourage family members to participate in maintaining a tidy living room.

By following these tips and adopting a mindful approach to your belongings, you can transform your living room into a serene and inviting oasis.

Would you like to delve deeper into specific decluttering challenges or explore additional storage solutions?

Saad Iqbal is a professional civil engineering and freelance write. He's passionate about structures, construction management, and home improvement topics. He's been working as a Senior Engineer in a consultant firm for over 8 years. Besides he loves writing informative and in-depth content focused on construction and home-related topics. You can catch him at his linkedin page or reach out via our contact us page.

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