Easy Shipping from USA to Pakistan with Meest America: Here’s How

Bringing happiness to a friend or family member with a gift becomes more complicated when distance separates you. Those considering shipping from USA to Pakistan often have questions about the price, delivery regulations, and shipping speed — and that’s perfectly reasonable. Everyone aims to find the best option. Entrusting your shipment to Meest America is … Read more

What is hydration of cement? – Heat of Hydration

Hydration of cement

What happens when you mix cement with water or if it accidently gets some moisture? It becomes a paste for some time and then becomes hard like a rock-mass. This all happens because of a chemical reaction between cement chemicals and water – called hydration reaction. The chemicals of cement (also called bogue’s compounds) are … Read more

How much does a bag of concrete cover? (Bags of 40 lb, 60 lb, 80 lb, & 90lb)

Area cover for one bag of concrete

While you’re repairing foundation walls, paving a driveway or building a sidewalk; you need ready-mix concrete bags. There’re different sizes of bags available like 40 lbs, 60 lbs, 80 lbs and 90 lbs (on the basis of weight). But before buying ready-mix concrete bag, you might be interested to know how much does a bag … Read more

How tall is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 story buildings? Standard height of a building

How tall is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 story buildings? Standard height of a building

Whether you’re build a new house or are planning for a large commercial building, it is important to decide the standard height of a single story building so you can translate the same standard height to 3,4,5 or whatever number of stories or floors you need in that particular building.   With the changing dynamics … Read more

Composite Rebar – Carbon Fiber Rebar (CFRP) Benefits & Costs

Though relatively new in the industry, the popularity of composite rebar is going through the roof in recent times. The searches are in top trends for composite rebar like GRP, CFRP, or carbon fiber rebar. Due to advanced technological innovations in manufacturing, more and more projects are replacing typical steel rebar with composite rebar. Because … Read more

Tacheometric Surveying – Principle – Method – Applications – Errors – Advantages

A tacheometric surveying is a branch of surveying in which we find the horizontal and vertical position of point on earth surface with the help of tacheometer. In this type of surveying there is no need of chain or tape for distance measurement and separate level for the measurement of elevation. In general sense, a … Read more

Test of Bricks – 7+ Quality parameters for bricks at site

Are you looking to undertake a project involving bricks and are bit worried about quality of bricks. If yes, you must act swiftly and undertake test of bricks. Some of these quality control parameters are a simple DIY job. So, let’s see some of the common tests on bricks to avoid hefty loss on your … Read more

Saw Tooth Roof- Construction – Advantages & Disadvantages

Gone are the days when saw tooth roof was merely limited for industrial buildings. Because of the plethora of benefits, especially of the provision of natural light over large area, more homeowners are preferring such a roof type over traditional hip roof. Today the world is moving towards sustainable development because of increasing risk of … Read more

Rough opening for doors – 24”, 28”, 30”, 32”& 36” – Opening Sizes & Charts

door rough opening

If you’re planning to remodel your kitchen or buy new doors for it, you may have heard the term rough opening thrown around, usually in reference to the door width. However, the term itself can be confusing – what does rough opening mean? And what exactly do rough openings have to do with door sizes? … Read more