Cantilever footing – Strap Footing – Uses – Design – Difference

what is cantilever foundation

Cantilever footing is a special type of shallow foundation that takes the load of eccentrically loaded column and transmits it to the adjacent foundation. It is a type of combined footing where two isolated foundations is joined using a strap beam. Hence, we also name it as a strap footing or a balance footing. From … Read more

What is Prestressed Concrete? – Pre tension – Post Tension – Applications

What is pre-stressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete is the most extensively used form of structural concrete beside conventional reinforced concrete. In process of prestressing, we enhance the tensile strength of the structural element like a slab or beam. We introduce tensions steel wires or cables that induce compression in the concrete. We do this process before applying the external load … Read more

Cyclonic Precipitation – Types – Risks – What is precipitation

Cyclonic Precipitation

Cyclonic precipitation is a type of precipitation that results from lifting of air masses converging into low pressure area in the atmosphere. Cyclonic precipitation as the name suggests is a result of cyclonic activity. It’s a concept that is bit different from the conventional rainfall or conventional precipitation. In conventional precipitation, the rainfall happens as … Read more

What Are Weep Holes? – Weep Holes in Retaining Walls

Weep Holes in Retaining walls

A weep hole is simply a vent through the top or center of masonry or retaining wall. The primary purpose of weep holes in retaining walls is to allow drainage through the joints (or between panels) of the wall during wet weather. The slots also provide a positive indication that the wall is not completely … Read more

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete – Advantages – Types – Properties

What is fiber reinforced concrete

Fiber-reinforced concrete also referred to as FRC is a type of concrete that contains fibrous material to improve structural strength. It is made up of short distinct fibers that are evenly dispersed and orientated randomly. The fibers we use in concrete are small distinct piece of reinforcing material that possesses certain characteristic properties. In general, … Read more

What is a tie beam? – Details – Advantages  – Reinforcement – Design

A tie beam is a structural beam that connects two columns at any height higher than the floor. The term “tie”, which refers to its purpose, is used to connect two columns or other structures. Tie beams can be used to reduce the effective length of columns and to decrease their slenderness ratio. Primary and … Read more

What is plinth Beam? – Purpose – Application – Types

What is plinth beam

A reinforced concrete beam that is placed between the foundation and wall is called a plinth beam. Plinth beams are used to stop cracks from extending from the foundation into walls above, when foundation settlement is occurring. Plinth beams evenly distribute the wall’s load over the foundation. What is plinth Beam? A plinth beam is … Read more

What is injection grouting – Purpose – Types – Procedure

What is injection grouting

Injection grouting is a technique of repair used to fill up gaps, cracks, voids or annular spaces between joints in concrete walls, masonry or underground structures. Injection grouting is carried out with a specialized type of grout material that is filled under pressure and set hardened according to the shape of void or crack. We … Read more

Difference between Short Column and long Column

Difference between long column and short column

Apart from the length as the obvious difference between a short column and a long column, other differences are there. So, today’s post is about short columns vs. long columns. Definition of column A column is a vertical element of a structure that transfers compressive loading. Designers provide it in all frame concrete structures. It … Read more

Compaction factor test for workability of concrete

Compaction Factor Test

The compaction factor test is done to check the workability of concrete, on the basis of weight ratio between partially compacted to fully compacted concrete. We can’t use the slump test for low workable concretes. Concretes we mostly use in mass dam structures or road pavements have significantly low values of slump. For all such … Read more