Advantages and Disadvantages of Raft Foundation

Advantages of Raft Foundation

Manifold advantages of raft foundation and trifling disadvantages of mat foundation are the two basic reasons for increased usage and opting of raft foundation aka mat foundation. So in this read I will be going to explain in-depth the various benefits of raft foundation. Raft foundation which is also sometimes termed as mat foundation is … Read more

Quantity of Bricks in a wall (STEP BY STEP Approach)


Knowing no of bricks in 1 cft wall and calculating quantity of bricks in a wall is very important for estimation engineers and in quantity surveying. Brick masonry is one of the most common type of masonry used in walls and columns. Bricks are made easily with clay which is readily available in local areas. That … Read more

11+ Advantages of Diagrid Structural System

Advantages of Diagrid Structural System

Getting a column-free interior has always been a try of structural engineers and architects for optimal usage of the internal space. Thanks to the advantages of diagrid Structural system that has made it possible now. Follow my blog with Bloglovin As you have searched for this read, it is because the technology of diagrid structural … Read more

Top Down Construction Method in Construction [WITH PICS]

Top Down Construction Procedure

It would be interesting for you to know about top down construction; because the deepest in the world’s building is Jinping Laboratory, China mounting to 7,900 feet beneath a mountain. Almost everyone knows about the Empire State building to Burj Kalifa or likewise but only few knows the fact that race among masses is not … Read more

Construction Tools Names and Their Uses Complete LIST [50+]

Construction Tools

There is no denying that humans had been using variety of tools and utensils for performance of works swiftly. And it is not the otherwise for the field of construction. Knowing about different construction tools names and their uses is essential for any field civil engineer. Diverse collection of tools is out there for special … Read more

Bitumen Extraction Test – Binder Content – Apparatus & Procedures

Bitumen Extraction test, also referred to as binder content test, is used to determine the amount of bitumen that is actually used as binding content in asphaltic pavement or asphaltic concrete recently laid at site. The durability, compatibility and resistance from defects like rutting, bleeding, raveling and ageing of  flexible asphaltic roads is highly dependent … Read more

Mastic Asphalt Flooring (Preparation, Construction Process)

Mastic Asphalt Flooring

The floor of your building or house is out of level, there is no insulation, its dampness and cold surface is freaking your mind out and you are searching for alternate solutions like mastic asphalt flooring. First of all you must appreciate yourself for opting mastic asphalt flooring because in just of its one layer, … Read more

Physical Classification of Rocks [With EXAMPLES]

Physical Classification of Rocks

So you are actually looking for details on physical classification of rocks and are unable to find some resourceful and in-depth guide. Don’t worry here I am with another useful guide exploring different types of rocks based on its physical appearances and its classification based on how it looks. There are actually three common classifications … Read more

Types of Rebar Support and Chair Spacing (Made EASY)

Types of Rebar Support

So you are involved in a construction project comprising of heavy steel rebar and you are wondering what different types of rebar support are available in the market and what could the best choice be for rebar chair for seamless spacing. Reinforcement is provided in concrete at certain spacing and orientation for ensuring adequate area … Read more

Hydrovac Excavation – The process – Benefits and Applications

When would you need a hydrovac excavation

So you are stuck in a situation when you have to decide between mechanical excavation and soft excavation by hydrovac; so here I am to tell when would you need a hydrovac ? Alongside, we’ll go deep into process, benefits, and applications of hydrovac excavation. If you are client or owner of the project who … Read more