What is Gabions? – Stainless Steel Gabions – Types

Type of Gabions

Whether you’re looking for erosion control at your project or want to use them as other architectural elements in the building, gabions have a lot to offer. They not only prevent soil erosion on coasts but are also best in preventing slides or washouts. You can use different types of gabion baskets to eradicate stream-bank … Read more

Physical Properties of Cement to surprise you


Do you know cement concrete is the world’s most consumed man-made construction material? Yes! After water it’s the most consumed material on the universe and all is just because of the unique physical properties of cement. So without wasting our time lets jump straight to know what the physical properties of cement are that makes … Read more

Field Density Test by Water Replacement Method

Field Density Test by Water Replacement Method

Water replacement method is used for determination of field compaction or field density of soil and gravely fills. The method is used for soil fills containing particles larger than 75 mm such as earth embankments, road fills, or structural backfills. The test method is standardized per ASTM D5030. As I’ve explained in my earlier posts … Read more

Types of Cement – Classification based on standards

Types of Cement in India

Knowing about various types of cement and their unique set of behaviors would allow you to opt the appropriate one for your construction needs. Actually the amount and proportion of various ingredients and components of cement are varied. In my previous post, I have talked about Bogue’s compounds of cement. These compounds including C3S (Tri-calcium … Read more

Properties of Bricks – Compressive Strength -Hardness – Efflorescence

Properties of Bricks

Generally, plenteous useful properties of bricks exist making it the widest used and most popular construction material. Its resilient and sustainable characteristics against forces of nature are not new or not unknown. Among brick properties, there are some basic ones which are related to the physical character and there are some additional properties that describe … Read more

Types of Stone Masonry – Ashlar Masonry – Rubble Masonry

Types of Stone Masonry

Although different types of stone masonry were in use from ancient times for construction of hideouts and houses, but owing to the durability and sturdiness they still are a popular choice among construction peers. Can you imagine, if the great Egyptian pyramids would had built by bricks, could had survived till now? In fact, most … Read more

Different brick bonds and brick bonding patters

Types of Brick Bonds

Being a brick-laying mason or a supervisor is a job that needs wisdom of alignment and orientation. You ought to have knowledge of different types of brick bonds. We also refer brick bonds as brick bonding patterns. Out there are some basic bonds and therefrom are some derived ones that are carved out. So; in … Read more

What is Bogues Compounds in Cement and their Significance or Uses

Different Bogue's Compounds in Cement Details

Bogues compounds are responsible for initial setting of the cement grout. These compounds have been researched extensively by an American chemist named Rober Herman Bogue (R.H. Bogue) who is well known for his books on The Chemistry of Portland Cement and the Chemistry and Technology of Gelatin and Glue. After his extensive research, Bogue has … Read more

Bitumen Extraction Test – Binder Content – Apparatus & Procedures

Bitumen Extraction test, also referred to as binder content test, is used to determine the amount of bitumen that is actually used as binding content in asphaltic pavement or asphaltic concrete recently laid at site. The durability, compatibility and resistance from defects like rutting, bleeding, raveling and ageing of  flexible asphaltic roads is highly dependent … Read more

Mastic Asphalt Flooring (Preparation, Construction Process)

Mastic Asphalt Flooring

The floor of your building or house is out of level, there is no insulation, its dampness and cold surface is freaking your mind out and you are searching for alternate solutions like mastic asphalt flooring. First of all you must appreciate yourself for opting mastic asphalt flooring because in just of its one layer, … Read more