What is raft foundation – 9 Types of Raft foundation

Raft foundation Types

So, you’ve got a soil that has low bearing capacity and you’re left with an option either to have a deep basement or to go with any type of mat foundation or raft foundation.  Whether you’re constructing a building, or you need to support loads from the storage tanks, industrial equipment, chimneys, or even silos; … Read more

Real Estate Investment Tips for Absolute Beginners

Being a newbie in real-estate, you’re always searching for guide about how to invest in realestate? Or things like Real estate investing for beginners with no money, real estate tips for begineers, or guide to investing in real estate. Well, at this stage, investing can seem intimidating but with simple hacks, you can build a … Read more

Foundation Failure – (Read it before its TOO Late)

Foundation Failure

A foundation failure is when it is no longer able to support the full weight of the building due to movement of soil and excessive settlement. In such cases, the building may sink or may topple over altogether due to inadequate bearing capacity. Many foundation fail just because of improper assessment of soil conditions existing … Read more

Physical Properties of Cement to surprise you


Do you know cement concrete is the world’s most consumed man-made construction material? Yes! After water it’s the most consumed material on the universe and all is just because of the unique physical properties of cement. So without wasting our time lets jump straight to know what the physical properties of cement are that makes … Read more

Isolated footing: A type of Shallow footing (DISCOVERED)

Isolated Footing

Isolated footing transmits the load of a single column to the underneath soil. It is also termed as spread footing because it spreads the concentrated load on the column to on a wider soil area so that stress intensity is reduced. [su_box title=”Take Note” box_color=”#4be97f”]Isolated footing is defined as a type of shallow footing that … Read more

Difference between Shallow and Deep Foundation

Difference between Shallow and Deep Foundation

Before deciding the type of foundation for structures, it is very important that one must understand the difference between shallow and deep foundation. Foundation for a structure is generally classified in two broad classes based on the depth i.e. shallow and deep foundation. Depth is an important factor in foundation. According to a lot of … Read more

Field Density Test by Water Replacement Method

Field Density Test by Water Replacement Method

Water replacement method is used for determination of field compaction or field density of soil and gravely fills. The method is used for soil fills containing particles larger than 75 mm such as earth embankments, road fills, or structural backfills. The test method is standardized per ASTM D5030. As I’ve explained in my earlier posts … Read more