Standard Brick Size – Brick Dimensions that you MUST Know

Standard Size of Bricks

Brick is one of the most common and basic structural units in the construction of buildings. Brick dimensions matter a lot, when it comes to choosing standard brick sizes.  Different projects have unique requirements and specifications, which calls for specific size and formation of bricks. Do you know the brick we use today, takes it … Read more

Difference between Dam and Barrage

Difference between Dam and Barrage

Yes! figuring difference between a dam and barrage can be difficult for newbies. To your help, we’ve made this simple guide to share some fun facts and differences.   Well, dam and Barrage are two of the most common structures built across bank of river. They help control floods and both look similar in appearance. … Read more

What is a truss? – Types of Trusses

What is a Truss - Types of Trusses

Are you searching for what is a truss in engineering and what are different types of trusses? Search no further, because this blog has a whole lot of information about trusses, their application in construction, and different types with diagrams. So, let’s get started: Definition in Civil Engineering In Civil Engineering there are different types … Read more

Difference between Bridge and Culvert

Difference between bridge and culvert

Finding the difference between bridge and culvert is very important when you’re working on a highway construction project. Both bridge and culvert are important structures for the infrastructure development of any country or region. But there’s a common confusion between these two vital structures among students as well as engineers. Both culvert and bridge span … Read more

WPC Board – 10+ Advantages but only few Disadvantages

WPC board is a high quality material made from blend of wood fiber and inorganic fillers or plastic composites. WPC board is a high-end alternative for natural wood and plywood. The problems and issues you face with the plywood or natural wood are not present in the WPC boards. [su_service title=”Definition”]WPC board is a short … Read more

Fineness of Cement – Definition – Test

Fineness of cement

Fineness of cement is another quality control parameter that experts keep in check of at the laboratory. The size of the particles of OPC impact the surface area and the heat of hydration. I’ve already explained the definition in my previous article on different physical properties of cement. So, if would reproduce my answer to … Read more

Placemaking – Transforming a Public Space Without Losing Its Identity

When your work involves overhauling public installations or buildings, there is a certain amount of pressure behind you. This is something that people have a certain association with, and your aim is to improve it without making it something unrecognizable – or somehow robbing it of an aspect that people value. Identity, however, is quite … Read more

Air entraining agents – Definition – 5 Types

We intentionally entrain microscopic air bubbles in concrete to enhance its durability against freeze and thaw. Air entraining agent or pore-forming agents are admixtures that are used to incorporate air into the concrete mix. They enhance the workability of concrete and improve resistance against salt scaling or freeze and thawing. Definition In normal concrete, the … Read more

Concrete Definition – 3 Basic Components – Grades

Concrete definition

So, you’re one of the future constructors and are wondering what is concrete definition in civil engineering. Well, in simple terms, concrete is a composite material or a mixture of fine and coarse aggregate that is bonded together by cement paste. The aggregate – both fine and coarse, are termed as filler content while the … Read more