11 Types of Stirrups in Construction – Reinforcement – Sizes & Purpose – Ties

Types of Stirrups

Stirrups in reinforcement of beam play a vital role in resisting shear stresses. During construction of buildings, civil engineers provide stirrups with the purpose to hold reinforcement in place and to prevent collapsing of the main reinforcement during seismic activity. What is a stirrup in construction? Closed loop bar provided at a regular center to … Read more

11 Differences between a Column and a Strut (MUST KNOW)

Difference between column and strut

A structural member subjected to axial compressive load is known as strut. It may be a horizontal, vertical, or inclined member. However, a vertical strut designers provide in building is known as column. Hence, strut and column, both are structural members and are subjected to axial compressive load. But still there’re number of differences between … Read more

Benefits of CAD software for civil engineers


The benefits of CAD software are many. It helps drafters perform their tasks more efficiently and accurately. The computer-based systems can analyze designs and make changes to them before you can present them to clients. It also allows key stakeholders to access the designs from anywhere. These benefits make CAD a critical tool in civil … Read more

14 Types of Columns in construction

Types of Columns

So, you want to choose a type of column for your next project but are not sure what type is best for your structure. Well, if you look at different types of buildings in your surrounding, you’ll find a vertical supporting element that transmits the load from the super-structure to the underneath foundation. Such a … Read more

What is a culvert? – Definition – Types – Materials – Parts.

What is a culvert

A culvert is basically a structure that allows water to pass through a roadway, train, trail or other structure from one side to another. In most cases, it is embedded in soil in order to be protected from the elements. The culverts may be constructed either with a concrete pipe, steel tubing or other flexible … Read more

Breast Wall – Definition – Advantages – Application – Design – Retaining Wall

Breat wall

Breast Walls are constructed to protect freshly cut slope on a steep hillside embankment from rolling down the hill due to adverse weather conditions, such as land erosion and sliding. In hilly areas, the hillside gradients and slicing slopes can affect the road’s sturdiness. During rainfall you can’t travel in hilly areas that have small slips … Read more

Zero Force Member In Trusse – Definiton – Identification – Examples

Zero Force Member in Trusses

At times in truss structures and under particular loading configurations, some members do not carry the load. Such members are referred to as zero force member in truss. Generally, they are used to boost the strength of trusses and provide future supports with modification of the administered loading configuration. So, what actually is a zero … Read more

Cantilever footing – Strap Footing – Uses – Design – Difference

what is cantilever foundation

Cantilever footing is a special type of shallow foundation that takes the load of eccentrically loaded column and transmits it to the adjacent foundation. It is a type of combined footing where two isolated foundations is joined using a strap beam. Hence, we also name it as a strap footing or a balance footing. From … Read more

What Are Weep Holes? – Weep Holes in Retaining Walls

Weep Holes in Retaining walls

A weep hole is simply a vent through the top or center of masonry or retaining wall. The primary purpose of weep holes in retaining walls is to allow drainage through the joints (or between panels) of the wall during wet weather. The slots also provide a positive indication that the wall is not completely … Read more