Difference between Cement and Concrete or Mortar

Difference between Cement and Concrete

As there’s a big difference between cement and concrete, you’re at times confused what to use. You want to fix an old stone wall or maybe a brick sidewalk, it’s easy right! Just go down to the Home Center pick up a bag of cement or is it concrete no wait maybe mortar. Well, many … Read more

What is Prestressed Concrete? – Pre tension – Post Tension – Applications

What is pre-stressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete is the most extensively used form of structural concrete beside conventional reinforced concrete. In process of prestressing, we enhance the tensile strength of the structural element like a slab or beam. We introduce tensions steel wires or cables that induce compression in the concrete. We do this process before applying the external load … Read more

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete – Advantages – Types – Properties

What is fiber reinforced concrete

Fiber-reinforced concrete also referred to as FRC is a type of concrete that contains fibrous material to improve structural strength. It is made up of short distinct fibers that are evenly dispersed and orientated randomly. The fibers we use in concrete are small distinct piece of reinforcing material that possesses certain characteristic properties. In general, … Read more

What is injection grouting – Purpose – Types – Procedure

What is injection grouting

Injection grouting is a technique of repair used to fill up gaps, cracks, voids or annular spaces between joints in concrete walls, masonry or underground structures. Injection grouting is carried out with a specialized type of grout material that is filled under pressure and set hardened according to the shape of void or crack. We … Read more

Compaction factor test for workability of concrete

Compaction Factor Test

The compaction factor test is done to check the workability of concrete, on the basis of weight ratio between partially compacted to fully compacted concrete. We can’t use the slump test for low workable concretes. Concretes we mostly use in mass dam structures or road pavements have significantly low values of slump. For all such … Read more

What is lean concrete? – Purpose – Uses – Mix Design

What is lean concrete

So, you’re wondering what is lean concrete? Well, concrete mix made from lean concrete is low in cement and high in aggregates. It is used for several purposes, such as blinding concrete under foundations and leveling pads below footings. We call lean concrete “not rich.” That’s because it is not rich in cement. Cement is … Read more

Rapid Hardening Cement – Properties – Benefits – Uses

Rapid Hardening Cement

Rapid hardening cement is a particular type of cement that is used in exceptional cases of concrete pouring. As the name implies, rapid hardening cement needs the shortest time to set up and consolidate. It achieves higher strength on lesser days.  With such, it can attain seven days strength in only three days. You can … Read more

Specific Gravity of Cement – Definition – Test – Procedure

Specific Gravity of Cement

For most of the cements we use in construction has a specific gravity of cement ranging between 3.1 to 3.16 g/cc and a density of 1440 Kg/m3. But that doesn’t mean it stays same for all types of cement we have. Moreover, specific gravity itself is an important quality control parameter for cements while determining … Read more

Slump Test Experiment – Apparatus – Types – Procedure

Slump Test Experiment

Slump test is a laboratory or site experiment civil engineers perform to assess the workability of the concrete. With such, the test is also referred to as slump cone test or concrete workability slump test. During concrete pouring, you need to check the uniform quality of concrete in terms of consistency and workability. Fresh concrete … Read more