How much does a gallon of Sand Weigh? – 2 Gallons – 3 Gallons – 4 & 5 Gallons

How much does a gallon of sand weigh?

Whether you’re doing some landscaping job or are planning for your delivery of materials; know how much does a gallon of sand weigh is a common question. Homeowners are often wondering how heavy is a bucket of sand or how heavy is a gallon of sand? Sand is a building material which is used for … Read more

What is hydration of cement? – Heat of Hydration

Hydration of cement

What happens when you mix cement with water or if it accidently gets some moisture? It becomes a paste for some time and then becomes hard like a rock-mass. This all happens because of a chemical reaction between cement chemicals and water – called hydration reaction. The chemicals of cement (also called bogue’s compounds) are … Read more

Harsh mix of concrete – Harshness in Concrete is due to

A harsh mix of concrete lacks plasticity resulting in undesirable consistency and workability. In technical terms, a concrete mix with poor ratios of ingredients such that water, cement, and fine aggregates results in harsh mix. Harshness in concrete is due to the excess of middle-sized aggregate as well as rough, angular, flat, or elongated aggregate … Read more

How many 40lb, 50lb, 60lb and 80lb bags of concrete are in a cubic yard

how many bags of concrete in a yard

While you’re using ready-mix bag of concrete, you’re interested to know how many bags of concrete in a yard? Well, bags of concrete per yard depend on the size of the bag you choose. An 80 lb bag of concrete will obviously cover more per yard than a lb bag. Be it Quikrete, Skrete, or … Read more

How much does a bag of concrete cover? (Bags of 40 lb, 60 lb, 80 lb, & 90lb)

Area cover for one bag of concrete

While you’re repairing foundation walls, paving a driveway or building a sidewalk; you need ready-mix concrete bags. There’re different sizes of bags available like 40 lbs, 60 lbs, 80 lbs and 90 lbs (on the basis of weight). But before buying ready-mix concrete bag, you might be interested to know how much does a bag … Read more

How tall is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 story buildings? Standard height of a building

How tall is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 story buildings? Standard height of a building

Whether you’re build a new house or are planning for a large commercial building, it is important to decide the standard height of a single story building so you can translate the same standard height to 3,4,5 or whatever number of stories or floors you need in that particular building.   With the changing dynamics … Read more